Saturday, May 16, 2020

Internship Final Reflection And Log - 780 Words

Internship Final Reflection and Log New Understandings Not surprisingly, this semester’s internship has posed the most obstacles and challenges but coupled with many new understandings, it has been my most productive. The end of any school year is busy and adding 45 additional hours of responsibility poses an arduous mission. In reflecting on my understandings, I realized that my internship experience could be compared to McTighe’s Understanding by Design concept. Ultimately, the goal of the internship experiences was to able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the semester, combined with that of past semesters, and demonstrate who I am as a professional teacher leader. It would be easy to become jealous and jaded in comparing my internship experience to that of a candidate seeking a master’s degree in administration. My school system seems to place a loftier recognition of that area over others such as curriculum and instruction. I believe this is because most people recognize the ro le of leadership in administrative positions more readily than they acknowledge in other programs seeking higher degrees. However, the internship is perceived by anyone, that does not lessen the importance of not only exhibiting exemplary leadership, it beckons it. I found this to be especially true in my experiences mentoring, particularly the two occasions of mentoring colleagues who were not new to teaching but new to the experiences they found themselves in that neededShow MoreRelatedUniversity of Nairobi Guidelines Attachment2651 Words   |  11 Pages 4 SCI Industrial Attachment Assessment Policy 6 5 Industrial Attachment Report Format 8 6 Assessment Forms 8 7 Sample Attachment Details Form, Industrial Supervisor’s Evaluation and Form Faculty Assessor’s Evaluation Form 9 8 Sample Log Book 13 Introduction The School of Computing amp; Informatics (formerly Institute of Computer Science) launched the Bachelor of Science (Computer Science) program in 1992. 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The authors wish to thank John D. Kammeyer-Mueller of the University of Florida for help with several key aspects of this revision. The authors would also like to extend their sincerest thanks to the following instructors: Lee Boam, University

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