Saturday, December 28, 2019

Synthesis Of Learning Theories Of Teaching - 1356 Words

Synthesis of Learning Theories With advancements in technology, globalization and living in a never changing society, life-long learning is crucial to keep adults able to function and evolve in the world. Being self-directed learners, adults need an environment that engages and challenges them to learn. Discovering how an adult learns and what motivates them is an integral part to successfully teaching adult learners. Desire is the most important factor in adult learning. Having personal goals, a thrist for knowledge and a reward for one’s accomplishments, helps adult students be motivated to learn. Although there is not one specific way that all adults learn, learning more about the adults we teach helps us as educators fine tune our teaching techniques. Doing this helps students be more receptive to learning and makes us better communicators and tecahers. Synthesis There is no one way that an adult learns. Because of this, there are many different theories of learning. From the philosophical teachings of Plato and Aristotle, learning has evolved into a more scientific method. The modern theories of teaching are very generalized and do not focus specifically on adult learning. In the 1950’s, psychologists thought that, â€Å"Learning is a change in behavior† (Merriam, Caffarella, Baumgartner, 2007, p. 276). This definition of learning over the years has change due to the complexity of the nature of the subject; Merriam, Caffarella andShow MoreRelatedReflective Assessment On Learning Theory Essay1361 Words   |  6 Pages Reflective Assessment Paper on Learning Theory Week 1 Assignment Brittany Lavender Arkansas State University Theories of Instruction â€Æ' Reflective Assessment on Learning Theory Learning Theory It is the duty of the educator to prepare students to live lives of quality and purpose. Intellectually, a life of quality involves being reasonable, adept, and thoughtful, and enables people to be good citizens of their community. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Recycling And Alternative Energy Sources - 790 Words

We also can try not to create too much garbage by recycling and making sure we don’t buy more food than what we need and then end up throwing it out. Recycling helps to save space in landfills and it can reduce pollution. Tropical rainforests can be saved by recycling aluminum cans. One would not realize the impact that recycling in one country would affect another area across the world. The tropical rainforests are mined for materials that are used to make aluminum. Recycling is also believed to slow down global warming. Recycling plays a vital role in preserving environmental resources and preserving an Earth for future generations. Alternative energy sources is another solution to the use of fossil fuels and pollution.†¦show more content†¦This will create wars and conflicts as people fight for the resources they need to feed themselves and maintain their lives. People could eventually be fighting over farmland in order to feed themselves or their families. If people do not have the soil they need to grow the food to feed themselves they may look for alternatives, which will end up being unhealthy and could possible shorten their life span. When there is a reduction in food security and water availability there is also a growth in poverty and a reduction in the health of people. We are setting future generations up to be poor, unhealthy, and involved in conflicts over the resources we take for granted. We could also choose to help the future generations by starting to take care of the Earth they will inherit from us. We could support a clean healthy by taking care of the soil and water we use every day. We can support better farming practices and continue to support education and let our law makers know that this is important to us. Our generation needs to leave the world a better place than when we found it. Future generations have a right to a healthy Earth where they are able to survive without fighting for water and soil. Some people think that they won’t be alive when this happens, so they don’t have to worry about it. This is an ignorant way of thinking. We owe to our future generations to give them the same opportunities we have had in our lifetime. When we take ofShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of the Green Movement Essay1073 Words   |  5 PagesHowever, supporting the green movement by recycling, researching alternative energy sources, and mandating eco-friendly laws will lead to a better, greener, country. One fairly simple way that people can immediately contribute to the green movement is by recycling. â€Å"Recycling is the process of turning one products useful part or parts into a new product; this is done to conserve on the consumption of resources, energy and space used in landfills.† (Recycling Facts and Benefits) Most household paperRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects On The Environment Essay1273 Words   |  6 Pagesprocesses such as the burning of fossil fuels and more. Recycling is one of the first ideas used to combat pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. However, many people still argue recycling’s effectiveness and whether the processes are helping and if the processes are worth the money. Recycling helps reduce the carbon footprint by reusing multiple types of materials, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as creating alternative sources of energy. Recycling’s main idea is to reuse materials fromRead MoreEnvironment Essay: Alternative Fuels are the Solution to Environmental Problems1157 Words   |  5 Pageshelp prevent further pollution, some of the methods used in paper recycling, and some discussion of renewable energy sources. 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Not only is it important in today’s society, but it’s also an important tool for future generations. Everyone should look at recycling as their duty. There are general areas of concerns when it comes to recycling, those include reduce, reuse, and recycle. As a society we have not been as thoughtful when it comes to saving the earth. Recycling is better for the environmentRead MoreSolutions to the Global Climate Change Essay1389 Words   |  6 Pagesmore frequent heat waves and droughts, and heavy rainfall. Th e burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil are a main source to why the greenhouse effect is being enhanced and likely contributing to global warming (Global Warming and Carbon Dioxide, 4). To hinder this increase in the global warming process we must reduce CO2 emission, we have to use different sources of energy, and we must recycle. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Inner Turmoil of Hamlet Essay Example For Students

The Inner Turmoil of Hamlet Essay Contained in the tragic tale of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, there are numerous conflicts plaguing the youth, which he struggles with to the death. The prince battles within himself, with his royal sense of duty to his country, with his friends, his love, and his family. This essay will attempt to explain and elaborate on these internal and external frays and which opponent emerges victorious in the end. Perhaps the most tormenting blow and the one that leads off the play is the death of Hamlet’s father and the betrayal he feels that his mother and uncle have dealt him. When he learns that the Queen, before yet the King has been laid in the ground a month, is determined to marry again, and even worse to the dead king’s brother, Claudius, he refuses to put off mourning for the wedding. We will write a custom essay on The Inner Turmoil of Hamlet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now â€Å"’Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother,Nor customary suits of solemn black,Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,Nor the dejected ‘haviour of the visage,Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,That can denote me truly: these indeed seem,For they are actions that a man might play;But I have that within which passeth show;These but the trappings and the suits of woe.†While Hamlet’s mother and Claudius are off making merry over their wedding, Hamlet is left alone to ponder and question what he should do to make better of this cruel injury. He doesn’t believe the story given him of his father’s death and feels that Claudius bears the guilt of murder to gain the throne and marry the Queen. This brings about another conflict for him as he begins to entertain vengeful thoughts, especially after the ghost of his father, who spoke with him on the battlements, confirms his suspicions, saying: â⠂¬Å"Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder!† â€Å"Taint not thy mind, nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught;Leave her to heaven.† â€Å"Remember me.†This presents the ultimate strife between Hamlet’s rational mind and his idealistic heart, which is well illustrated by his famous deliberation:â€Å"To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep;No more; and by a sleep to say we endThe heartache and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to, ‘tis a consummationDevoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;To sleep; perchance to dream; ay, there’s the rub.†Hamlet says, â€Å"Now there is nothing left but revenge.† He appears wholeheartedly set on the idea, but it was well known that Hamlet was a gentle and good hearted young man, so this must have caused him great inner-dissention as he would normally do no harm to another human being. Yet here were thoughts of murderous revenge in his head and in killing Claudius, he would cause pain to his mother, the very thing the ghost of his father forbade him to do. This causes him to sometimes wonder if the ghost spoke truly after all, and he struggles with this question until he orders the actors in the court to perform a certain play using the same scenario of near relations, murder and marriage to see Claudius’s reaction and thereby confirm the words of the ghost and the suspicions in his own mind. To add load to an already weighted heart and mind, Hamlet’s love, Ophelia, thinks him insane, along with everyone else due to his recent behavior. He has behaved so wildly to Ophelia that she can only believe his cruelty stems from madness, and so she repeals his letters and denies him access to her. This, understandably causes everyone else to believe that his supposed madness is love for Ophelia, as it would seem from the verse he has written her: â€Å"Doubt that the stars are fire;Doubt that the sun doth move;Doubt truth to be a liar;But never doubt I love.†Even more damaging to his sense of humanity and his relationship with Ophelia, Hamlet then mistakenly kills Polonius, Ophelia’s father, believing he is Claudius. He then tells his mother of her husband’s sins and his accusations against him. She, in turn, runs to Claudius with the same, and Hamlet is sent away to England under charge of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who would seem Hamlet’s fr iends, but who, in actuality are spies for Claudius. Going to England, Hamlet feels, may help him better deal with his father’s death, but he is also terribly confused, and it seems he cannot trust anyone. He soon learns that the plan is to have him put to death by the English court, so he replaces his name in the declaring papers with the names of the two friends who were so ready to betray him and escapes on board a pirate ship leaving them to their fate and going on to meet his. .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 , .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .postImageUrl , .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 , .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657:hover , .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657:visited , .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657:active { border:0!important; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657:active , .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657 .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua8b37d3b166283d6fdb663d5387f2657:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Diabetes and Pregnancy EssayReturning home, Hamlet finds the worst has happened. Ophelia, having lost her true love and her father, follows suit with her wits and is drowned in a fit of madness. At the funeral of his dear ladylove, Hamlet fights with Ophelia’s brother, Laertes, who is also seeking justice for the death of his own father at Hamlet’s hand. Hamlet begs forgiveness of Laertes, but Claudius reveals to Laertes who killed his father and conspires with him to slay Hamlet in an unfair fencing match, with a reserve plan of poison wine should the fencing match prove futile. The two youths inadvertently switch swords, and Laertes falls dead by his own tr eachery, while the Queen unknowingly drinks the wine and meets her own death. Thus, Ophelia being dead, along with Polonius, the Queen, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and Laertes, Hamlet finally finds the courage to do the ghost’s bidding and avenge his father’s murder, which, if he had braced his mind and heart to do long before, all these lives would have been spared, and none would have suffered save the wicked Claudius, who well-deserved to die. Being weary with pain and sadness, Hamlet himself dies by his own hand, at last finished with the struggles he has faced, struggles in which there are no victors, as well said by Laertes in his last words:â€Å"It is here, Hamlet: Hamlet, thou art slain;No medicine in the world can do thee good.† â€Å"Heaven make thee free of it! I follow thee. Things standing thus unknown, shall live behind me! And in this harsh world draw thy breath in pain to tell my story.† Bibliography:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Comparison Contrast of the Teotihucans and the Sumerians Essay Example For Students

Comparison Contrast of the Teotihucans and the Sumerians Essay Written language was an important milestone in human history. It enabled the recording of history, dreams and tragedy. It allowed for commercial and historical record keeping. It allowed human beings to imprint thoughts on paper, for sharing, later review or just for fun. What about societies that never developed a written language? Could such a society rival one with that has? When advances of Sumerian city-states are compared to that of Teotihuacan there are a few instances where the Mesoamerican city appears to be more advanced. However, if ranked these appearances do not place Teotihuacan ahead of any one of Sumer’s Mesopotamian city-states. The formations of Sumerian city-states were the first signs of urbanization in Mesopotamia. Canal construction required stronger leadership than the typical Neolithic villages could execute. To do this, aristocratic councils of elders were formed to work with religious leaders. It was here that the political power of religious leaders and the organization of what might have been an early, and strictly relative group of â€Å"intellectuals† centralized. Situated between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, Sumerian cities such as Uruk grew from small villages to populations of nearly 50,000. In 2600 B. C. E. , around the time of Gilgamesh, Sumer had a population of 500,00 people with almost 4/5 of them in urban areas. (45, 54. ) As farming procedures improved and therefore allowed for surplus, the Sumerian civilization began to grow not only in numbers, but also in the complexity of how it functioned on every level; its religious leaders became more powerful, its degree of specialization more complex and inventions and discoveries came faster and had greater impact on humanity. Urban ritual practice was more fully elaborate than was the rural counterpart. † (49. ) Priests in Sumerian cities built enormous temples called ziggurats. Within these huge stepped â€Å"cities within cities (49). an entire workforce was busy with the affairs of civilization (49). Field workers would farm temple lands to provide for the massive amounts of food that was distributed. In Lagash for example, food was prepared for 1200 people on a daily basis (49). Though the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan were not as elaborate as Sumerian Ziggurats, each civilization shared a â€Å"Cosmo- magical† characteristic. In Sumer, royal burial sites were so elaborate, that only specialized artisans could possibly have constructed them. According to the text, arches, vaults and domes were new levels of architecture found in burial tombs of the elite. In addition, elaborate funeral objects of gold and silver were also found with the dead. Sumerian arts and inventions flourished. The wheel itself, which led to the potters wheel and wagon wheels, were apparently invented in Sumer. (49). This lent sophistication to pottery and increased efficiency to farming. The Bronze Age found its origins in Sumerian civilization, which put metal tips on hoes, axes, arrowheads, daggers and many other tools. In Teotihuacan however, the economy â€Å" thrived on agriculture, craftwork, and trade in ceramics and quarried obsidian. â€Å" (98) There was no evidence in the text or lecture notes that they had achieved the amenities of the Bronze age. However, the most significant invention of the Sumerian civilization was the development of a written language. Using a system of wedge-like forms, Sumerian writing began as a means to keep track of ownership and business transactions. By 3000 B. C. E. , â€Å" some scribes were already thinking in terms of teaching and learning,† and with this one tool, Sumerians â€Å"enriched their lives† ( 52. ). Writing allowed Sumer to correspond with neighbors, develop written legal codes, write literature and communicate with neighbors. Half a world away and a couple thousand years later another civilization was peaking, somewhat similar to the Sumerians. Teotihuacan developed into a significant empire around 550 B. C. about 40 miles northeast of what is presently Mexico City. .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 , .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .postImageUrl , .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 , .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867:hover , .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867:visited , .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867:active { border:0!important; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867:active , .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867 .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf5476ead2c149859c562a973e0526867:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Stonehenge Riverside Project EssayIt shares some characteristics with Sumer. Like in Sumer, it is thought that a relationship between religious leaders and administration officials existed in Teotihuacan. According to the text, the proximity of the Temple of Quetzalcoatl to the city’s administrative headquarters, the Ciudadela, suggests a relationship. In addition, 75 temples lined the Avenue of the Dead. It is unlikely that such a vast amount of resources would have been dedicated to spiritual structures without strong religious influence or administrative approval. Either way, a relationship is likely to have existed. Also like Sumer, Teotihuacan developed advanced artistic accomplishments. The colossal heads from San Lorenzo are the perfect examples. In terms of the artistic skill required to shape this ten-ton rocks, they are comparable to the Sumerian bas reliefs. There are many more differences between them however. For instance, Teotihuacan architectural advancement seems to stop short of things like arches, domes and vault. However, that conclusion is admittedly a result of omission on part of the text and lecture notes. The most significant difference between the two however, lies in Teotihuacan complete lack of a written language. Everything known about the ancient civilization has been found through the excavation of artifacts (97). It is here however, that Teotihuacan society might seem comparable to Sumer. For instance, the largest city in Sumer reached a population 50,000. and circumference of 6 miles. (. 46) It is challenging to administer, but with a written language and the ability to publicize laws and information, the task is certainly made easier. Teotihuacan had at least double the population of any individual Sumer city-state with no written language to facilitate its management. In comparing the map on page 98, of Teotihuacan and that of Nippur on page 47 it is clear that the develop of the Mesoamerican city is more advanced. Note the orderly, grid like pattern of the city. The ceremonial complex resembles the Plan of Acropolis on page 145. It is clear that this complex was previously planned and executed. Why significant? The map of Nippur resembles an ancient form of urban sprawl. Roads curve to the left and right, buildings are scattered all over. Granted, the full picture of Nippur is not included on the tablet. However, the caption does state that the map, â€Å" shows several of the city’s key buildings†, which are not nearly as organized as the Teotihuacan. In fact, the Teotihuacan ceremonial complex, in terms of planned development, resembles The Plan of Acropolis in Greece, which was considerably more advanced society than the Sumerians. What does this tell us about the cities? A city-state, again with twice as many people as Sumer’s most populous city, emerged in Mesoamerica without a written language. This however, does not make Teotihuacan a superior civilization when compared to Sumer city-states. Perhaps planners in Teotihuacan planned the city so well in response to a considerably higher rate of population density. The Sumerians would not have planned their cities to that extent because there was no need to. In addition, while Teotihuacan still quarried obsidian rock, Sumer was developing metal weapons. Teotihuacan religious and administrative officials are clearly members of an advanced society. They built and sustained an empire of nearly one hundred thousand for centuries without the need for written language. They had to have conducted commercial transactions on verbal agreement alone. Their government somehow maintained order, probably ruthlessly, despite the lack of written law. Each generation for the centuries of the empire’s success was politically socialized adequately enough for the empire to continue, all without writing down a single word.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Analytical Essay Example to Help you Ace your Grade

Got an analytical essay assignment? Need some examples to understand the basics? Explore this blog to know the details and master your analysis essay writing skills. Quick Links 1. Types of Analytical Essay Examples 1.1 Poetry Analysis Essay Example 1.2 Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example 1.3 Literary Analysis Essay Example 1.4 Process Analysis Essay Example 1.5 Character Analysis Essay Example 1.6 Causal Analysis Essay Example 2. Tips to Write a Great Analytical Essay Professional Help 1. Types of Analytical Essay Examples An analytical essay has a wide range of scope and topics. This type of essay deals with a wide variety of subjects and ideas and use varying approaches to describe them. Here are six types of analytical essay examples that use different analysis techniques. 1.1 Poetry Analysis Essay Example Poetry analysis essays require you to examine, interpret and explain the content, structure, and historical importance of a poem. It is one of the most common types of essay. This type of essay is mostly assigned to the students of high school and college academic level. This type of essay can help you improve your skills. The prime focus of a poetry analysis essay is to explain the poem to your readers and help them understand its various aspects. This is done by explaining the details like the setting, themes, symbols and mood of the poem. Following are some examples of analytical essay topics which can be used for the poetry analysis essay. "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" - Robert Frost "There is a pain — so utter —" - Emily Dickinson's "The valley of unrest" - Edgar Allan Poe Poetry Analysis Essay Example (PDF) 1.2 Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example Rhetorical analysis essays revolve around logic and the available facts. Have you ever had an argument attempting to prove a fact to someone who didn't believe that it was true? That is the nature of a rhetorical analysis essay. Rhetorical Analysis Essay Examples: Theory of Relativity Fundamentals of Economics Statistical Proofs Rhetorical Analysis Essay Example (PDF) 1.3 Literary Analysis Essay Example This is the kind of analysis you are asked to perform after reading a book. You can analyze the plot, or a particular situation, a quote and its influence, or the choices made by some character. While writing an essay like this, students have to explain the literary terms. This is the basic unit of analysis in this type of essay. Literary Analysis Essay Examples: The effects love has on people's decision making - Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare Women and misogyny - Hamlet by Shakespeare Witchcraft - Macbeth by Shakespeare Literary Analytical Essay Example (PDF) 1.4 Process Analysis Essay Example A process analysis essay is written with the purpose of explaining the process and steps of performing a particular task. It should have a strong thesis statement, followed by body paragraphs, which explain the details with the help of supporting evidence. This type of essay should have a proper linkage which connects the body paragraphs. Process Analysis Essay Examples: Recipe for making a strawberry cheesecake The process of grading a research paper The filmmaking process that the directors go through Process Analysis Essay Example (PDF) 1.5 Character Analysis Essay Example Fictional characters appear throughout literature and in popular films. These characters are often the main drivers of three-act dramatic structure and the resulting plot. If you have to write an essay, based on character analysis then you have to consider all aspects. Also check how a particular character can affect the overall storyline. You have to prove your thesis statement, in order to submit an effective analysis paper. A successful character analysis essay will provide details of character traits. Also, their impact upon other characters over the course of a story. Character Analysis Essay Examples: Viktor Navorks'si role in The Terminal How Will Hunting's character evolved in Good Will Hunting Rick's decision-making process in Casablanca Character Analysis Essay Example (PDF) 1.6 Causal Analysis Essay Example The purpose of a causal analysis essay is to ask and answer the question "why?" The causal analysis essay requires you to answer a "why" question. Causal academic analysis is also known as "the speculating about causes" essay. It requires you to describe the process that occurs and to analyze the reasons it occurs as it does. It should have an engaging hook sentence and topic sentences to grab the attention of the readers. Causal Analysis Essay Examples: Why are teenagers rebellious? Why is gun violence increasing in the US? Why do we fear dark? Causal Analysis Essay Example (PDF) All such essay types follow the same essay structure and analytical essay outline requirements. If you want to learn more, continue reading this detailed guide to explore how to write an analytical essay. 2. Tips to Write a Great Analytical Essay An analytical essay is explanatory in nature. However, this explanation is paired with in-depth analysis of the chosen event or any other chosen topic. It analyzes and explains a certain event in detail and analyze the reasons behind it. To make the process easy, following are some tips to assist you. Brainstorm thoroughly before choosing a topic. Choose a topic that has wide scope. Make a proper outline before starting the essay writing process. Add relevant point in all the sections. Proofread and edit the entire essay before the final submission. Take professional help, if needed Professional Help Not sure if you could make it? With this guide on analytical essay example, we have covered everything. This guideline will help you with everything you need to know to write an analysis essay of any type. However, if you find yourself facing a difficult deadline or an excessive amount of academic work then we can help you. This may be the time for you to contact a professional essay writing service. Not sure how to write an analytical essay introduction or conclusion for an analytical essay? There is nothing to worry about. Our professional academic writers are standing by. They are ready to help you choose the perfect essay topic and produce a high-quality analytical essay outline. Contact our writing service now for 24/7 customer support. We’ll put you in touch with your personal essay professional. He will help you make the essay outline, write the entire essay and deliver it with proper introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Place your order now.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom The Bermuda Triangle essay

buy custom The Bermuda Triangle essay The storm was getting more violent as I steered my ship in the southern Atlantic Ocean. I cant tell how frightened my team was when we figured out that top scientists of the world, decided to hold a conference about the mystery of the Bermuda triangle in my vessel. They should have stayed away from the ocean at first instead of undertaking a gamble and confirming their fears in the deep waters. I had exact instructions to approach the location but to stop within a kilometer from the exact location. I decided to relax in my cuddy and think of a possible explanation to the Bermuda triangle phenomenon, based on my rich experience in sailing. Then it happened! I have heard rumors of the constant shift of the Devils triangle, as it is popularly known. The name explains the fatal and mysterious disappearance of objects near the surface of the ocean or in the sky above the Bermuda Triangle. No one in the world could explain the details of the mystery, because everyone who had ever encountered the legendary spot disappeared forever. An eerie gust of the wind filled the air. I saw the light, and there it was! A large whirlpool five meters from my ship seemed to pull us closer. Everyone screamed and some strange power sucked us out of the ship one by one. Initially I thought I was dreaming, but a sharp pain down my back shook me back to the reality. I was thrown up into the skies and than I was hurled back down into the water right into the black hole. I landed in a city full of youth, different planes and sea vessels. Welcome to the city of suspense. Dreams, wishes and hopes of all living creatures above us, begin here and develop as perceived later by human beings. All the mysteries of the world are created in peoples minds. We get to people through rain or sunshine. There are very few good minds for this work and they are carefully chosen to come via that gate you have just passed through! announced a booming voice. Buy custom The Bermuda Triangle essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Acting and Acting Styles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Acting and Acting Styles - Assignment Example This provides the viewer with face to face interaction with the actor (Gibbs, 2013). The most common acting styles in film industry are naturalistic and stylized acting. Naturalistic actors are mandated to be in oneness with the character’s dress, mannerism and upbringing. He must have un-distinguishable character. Stylized acting depends on an approach that is more conspicuous to put across the director’s point. They produce comic effect through characteristic hyperbolism through dramatizing (Anderson, 2009). The significant placement of actor is known as blocking. In this style the actors are positioned in a way that can shore the dominance of a character over the other. It also depicts the grandness family and other relationships possible. This is used in the film to show the supremacy of the God Father (Coppola, 1972). The special effect acting style of Rear Projection is often used to give an illusion of a film scene on a location. It involves a combination of present foreground action and pre-filmed background footage. It is common in driving scenes. The un-realistic looking technique of this style is evident in the Romantic comedy by Hudson (Reed,